
Best Taxi rates for Sikkim & Darjeeling

Best Services Taxi rates for Sikkim

Vehicle Type*Price/km**Minimum Rent / Day
SmallRs. 23.00 Rs. 2,500.00
NormalRs. 25.00Rs. 2,800.00
LuxuryRs. 28.00Rs. 3,200.00

* During seasons Rs. 3/km will be charged over the rentals mentioned in the above table.
** During seasons Rs. 300 will be charged over the minimum rent / day mentioned in the above table.

Best Services Taxi rates for Darjeeling

Vehicle Type*Price/km**Minimum Rent / Day
SmallRs. 22.00 Rs. 2,500.00
NormalRs. 24.00Rs. 2,800.00
LuxuryRs. 29.00Rs. 3,000.00

* During seasons Rs. 3/km will be charged over the rentals mentioned in the above table.
** During seasons Rs. 300 will be charged over the minimum rent / day mentioned in the above table.

Note :

Small Vehicle : Wagon-R / Santro / Alto / Similar
Normal Vehicle : Maxx / Sumo / Bolero / Similar
Luxury Vehicle : Innova / Xylo / Scorpio / Similar

Season : April 10 - June 10, September 10 - Nov end, Dec 20 - Jan 15
Off Season : Rest all